38-4, Jalan Puteri 2/4, Bandar Puteri, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia.

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Monday to Friday: 9AM - 6PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

PREMIUM MACAO CHICKEN 高山马草鸡 1.8kg-2.0kg/nos


Introducing our Premium Macao Chicken – a high-quality, delicious and convenient choice for all your cooking needs.

These chickens are known for their tender, juicy meat and rich, flavorful taste. They are raised on a diet of Napier Grass and corn, which enhances the natural sweetness and aroma of the meat. The flesh is naturally flavorful and smooth, with a more muscular, smooth and firmer texture than regular chicken.

These chickens are suitable for all types of cooking, especially steaming. Each chicken has an average weight of 1.6-1.8 kilograms after removing the feathers and intestines, and comes with the head, feet, and internal organs. We also offer a cutting service at no extra charge, so you can choose to have the chicken whole or cut into 2, 4, or 8 pieces.

Simply defrost and steam for 25-35 minutes to enjoy. So why wait? Add some Premium Macao Chicken to your cart today and elevate your meal game!

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Free-range chicken fed with their staple food of Napier Grass/Macao and corn, enhancing the natural sweetness, flavor and aroma of the chicken. 放养的马草鸡主食是马草以及少许玉米,这样的饮食架构令得马草鸡的肉质细嫩却略有嚼头, 食之口齿留香。 Due to its diet, the flesh is naturally flavorful and smooth. 满口生香,意犹未尽,回味无穷。
  • More muscular, smooth & firmer meat, unlike the texture of regular chicken, which is dry and tough. 肉质紧实, 口感好, 肉质有嚼劲,不像一般饲养鸡肉口感很柴
  • More flavourful & aromatic. 满口生香、香鲜至极
  • Suitable for all types of cooking especially steaming. 适合各种煮法尤其是白砍鸡
  • Average weight around 1.8kg-2.0kg (after removing feathers & intestines). 清理过后平均每只鸡有1.8-2.0公斤
  • Whole chicken with head, feet & internal organs.
  • 150++ days Natured Grass Fed. 自然放养方式,良心养殖超過150天
We do provide cutting service with no extra charges either whole chicken or opt to cut into 2, 4 or 8, please remark when you place order. 可以选择且切2份,没有额外收费。我们一样处理干净包装。
  • Defrost and steam for 35mins. 你只需要拿出解冻-放入蒸35 – 45分钟即可吃
  • RM79/bird ( around 1.8kg)
Weight 2 kg


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